In November 2013, Alex Jordan with Boy Scout Troop 108 from the East End Community in Saline County executed the first Eagle Scout Project at I CAN! Arts & Resource Center.  Alex, who carries the rank of Life Scout, organized a team of 20 scouts and family members to improve working conditions on the property around the center.  They continued clean-up from storm debris and created mulch from that debris using a wood chipper.  They used the mulch to surface a working path which will allow workers to access the wooded area behind the center even on damp days.  Alex was responsible for organizing the manpower and any other tools and resources needed to make the project successful.  Not only did he make this a project a success, but he also made connections that will help other Life Scouts plan and execute Eagle Scout projects to benefit I CAN! Arts & Resource Center, as well as the universally-accessible county park planned for development on the adjoining property.

 Thank you, Alex and Troop 108!

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